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Nestled in a cosy nook at the heart of London’s business sector, the City, lurks a shiny new outlet for my baked, roasted, tossed and sandwiched desires. Euphorium Bakery, newly opened this month, wafts bready smells down Threadneedle Street, enticing both bankers and my not-so-financey self in to sample its wares, a task which I happily completed last week at its opening. To describe Euphorium as a bakery is perhaps misleading. Emporium would be a better word. Its surprisingly large, multi-level store hosts a multitude of different food groups, good to grab-and-go or to munch upstairs in their comfy sofa’d coffee shop area. 
I drifted from salads (fresh and tossed with exciting things like pomegranate and hot smoked salmon) to crusty doorstops of sandwiches (a highlight of which was one with smoked ricotta and tomato…cray cray good), from slow roasted meats at their live carvery, to perfect sliders featuring homemade sausage and succulent hand sliced bacon. And as for the bakery section…sometimes the university-honed literacy of the would-be writer has to bow out and give way to a resounding ‘woww-wa-wee-waahhh’. Every variety of bread imaginable, crumbly towers of buttery pastries, airy puffed creations filled with cream, jam, chocolate and doughy, fruit-rich clafoutis  –  god, the things I’d do with that  bakery counter if I was left locked in overnight…50 Shades of Grey is for pussys when compared to me faced with a particularly moist cream horn.

In summary – City workers, pop in. It’s got to be better than a miserable Pret. Non-City workers – pop into their other shops over East, West and North London. 

Rating: 7/10

60 Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8HP        
020 7796 3433

Square Meal
Sliders…slide in ma belllllyyyy
Lovely MeanTime Lager from the launch