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Now, if you’ve met me for more than about 3 minutes you will probably already know that I am a massive freak for Offal. My boner for all things innard’y’ began when I was little. Other kids used to throw hysterics on liver day in the school canteen, I didn’t get it – it was delicious! My first ventures into business began in those days, charging penny bags of Haribo for my assistance in demolishing the plates of liver and onions of others, for the crime of leaving food uneaten was a scolding point for patrolling teachers.
So – it was with immense excitement that I gained the opportunity to do an Offal Show for this week’s InGoodTaste @Z1radio show!!
Listen as I interview, along with the dulcet tones of Claire, the Chef and the Owner of the Cattle Grid restaurant in Battersea at a recent offal tasting. I manage not to be too weird. Then I cook a yummy offal feast of Deep Fried Chicken Livers, Chicken Liver Parfait, Sweet White Onion Puree, Pickled Mushrooms and Crispy Chicken Skin!
All along to a Hot Chip album – HOW CAN YOU BEAT THAT?! Offal and beats….my dream.

Hope you enjoy!!!
